Beginning a coaching relationship starts with your own individual, very personal desire to figure out what your discontent is all about. Here are some real life case studies of my clients. A common thread – they each made the choice to invest in their wellness, get curious about their discontent and believe what they envisioned for themselves was possible.
Client – male, early 30’s – was enjoying life and making progress in his professional career working within his father’s business. He loved the work, yet was feeling the urge to make the move to build his own practice in a different city. He was concerned about how that would be received by his father as the plan had been for him to just work there and eventually take over. With some coaching conversations, the client gained confidence and clarity and was able to express his dream with gratitude and appreciation. He has now been on his on for over a year.
Client – male, mid 50’s – had an extremely hectic. He had many professional opportunities demanding his attention while also navigating challenging emotional situations in his personal life. To say he was spinning multiple plates at one time is an understatement. When we were introduced, he was ready to unpack the discontent, grab the reigns and invite more peace into his life.
Client – male, late 50’s – has been successfully growing his company and was looking to promote a current employee to a higher managerial position. Of two potential candidates, his gut was suggesting one who has been with him just over a year, had immense potential in a higher role; the other, whom has been an employee for decades, may struggle with the promotion. He was feeling a sense of obligation to the more senior employee regardless of his presumption of their struggle due to their years as an employee. So, instead of making a decision based on assumptions, he decided to invest in his team and provided coaching for each of them to determine what their own next best role would be. The engagement was a success as the two employees each voiced their individual preferences to the owner and both are now in roles that support continued growth and stability for themselves and the business.
Whole Life Coaching addresses all the moving pieces. Your personal life affects your work, and what happens at work affects your life. Working one on one with me, you will explore the reasons behind your self-doubt and realize the solutions to overcome them. You will gain new tools to create the life you envision for yourself and will stop settling on living life on a surface level.
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson